What is the best time of day to go fishing?

What is the best time of day to go fishing?

The best time of day to go fishing depends on several factors, including the type of fish you're targeting, the water temperature, and the overall weather conditions.

Early Morning:

  • Cooler water temperatures: Early morning offers the coolest water temperatures, which can be more comfortable for fish to be active and feed.
  • Low light conditions: The water is typically darker in the early morning, reducing glare and making it easier to see fish.
  • Fewer crowds: Early mornings tend to be less crowded, giving you more solitude and a better chance of landing a catch.


  • Warmer water temperatures: As the sun warms the water, it becomes more suitable for fish activity.
  • Increased light conditions: The water is typically brighter in the afternoon, providing better visibility and casting opportunities.
  • More active fish: Fish are more active and feeding during the afternoon, increasing your chances of a successful catch.

Late Afternoon:

  • Cooler water temperatures: The water temperature starts to cool down in the late afternoon, which can be beneficial for certain fish species.
  • Reduced crowds: The afternoon is often the least crowded time of day, offering a peaceful and relaxing fishing experience.
  • Shadow patterns: As the sun sets, the water can create long and intricate shadow patterns, which can attract fish.

Other Factors to Consider:

  • Moon phase: Full moon cycles can have a significant impact on fish behavior, with fish being more active at night.
  • Weather conditions: Rain or cloudy days can reduce visibility and make it more difficult to fish.
  • Water clarity: Clear water allows for better visibility and casting, increasing your chances of landing a catch.


  • Check the weather forecast: Before heading out, check the water temperature and weather conditions to ensure they are suitable for fishing.
  • Choose a suitable location: Select a spot that offers a balance of depth, structure, and cover, which attracts the type of fish you're targeting.
  • Use the right gear: Choose fishing gear that is appropriate for the water temperature and fish species you're targeting.
  • Be patient and persistent: Fishing requires patience and persistence. Don't give up if you don't catch anything immediately.